40 Freaky Pieces From Conjoined 666!

40 Freaky Pieces From Conjoined 666!

Feb. 10, 2016--The exhibit “Conjoined 666″, was another triumph for Chet Zar. Once a year Chet curates a collection of contemporary artists exploring the dark side of art, and this edition was as eclectic as ever with each artisan choosing a variety of media including plastic, assemblage, sculpture, found objects, skulls, metal and even paint. It was one of the most anticipated shows of the year, with opening night’s entrance line going around the building and down the block. A must for fans of horror and the macabre—if you didn’t see it at Copro Gallery (Bergamot Station Arts Complex, 2525 Michigan Ave, Unit T5, Santa Monica), here’s a taste of what you missed!

Conjoined 666 Catalog/poster
Tokyo Jesus, “Goddess of Death”

Akihito Ikeda, “Death Wings (AngelOfDeath)”

Akihito Ikeda, “Nephila”

Ver Mar, "Basilisk"
Ver Mar, “Basilisk”

Blue The Vigorist, "Ozon"
Blue The Vigorist, “Ozon”

Brian Poor, "Cat Mask"
Brian Poor, “Cat Mask”

Menton3, "Separation 1"
Menton3, “Separation 1″

Tayler Brown, "Chimaeram Infans"
Tayler Brown, “Chimaeram Infans”

Casey Love, "Gjinn"
Casey Love, “Gjinn”
Corey Urlacher, “Death Cherub”

Craig LaRotonda, "Cybernetic Flesh Machine"
Craig LaRotonda, “Cybernetic Flesh Machine”

Eli Livingston, "Manvil"
Eli Livingston, “Manvil”

Dug Stanat, "The Blind Who Are Not"
Dug Stanat, “The Blind Who Are Not”
Alex Pardee, "The Astronaut Is Dead"
Alex Pardee, “The Astronaut Is Dead”

Kazu Tsuji, “Frida Kahlo”

Jack Howe, “All Day…All Night”

Jason Hite, "Cacolantern"
Jason Hite, “Cacolantern”

Jason Soles, "Watcher"
Jason Soles, “Watcher”

Jesse Gee, “Thats Better”

Laurie Hassold, “Bees Breath”

Manny Lemus, "The Martian (Twilight Zone)"
Manny Lemus, “The Martian (Twilight Zone)”

Brian Smith, "Alloy"
Brian Smith, “Alloy”

Dave Correia, "Dislocated"
Dave Correia, “Dislocated”

Lee Joyner, "Imogene"
Lee Joyner, “Imogene”

Mario Torres, “Angel of Death”

Mark Walker, “KingSkull”Type image caption here (optional)

Matthew Dutton, “Self Portrait in Autumn”
Michael Rosner, “Viper”

Mike Regan, "Walking Fred."
Mike Regan, “Walking Fred.”

Vega, "Pin Cushion Queen"
Vega, “Pin Cushion Queen”

Vega, “The Rare Bird”
Peter Goode, “Blacklight”

Rodman Edwards, "Behind This Smile, I Cry"
Rodman Edwards, “Behind This Smile, I Cry”

Scott Stoddard, "Model #1"
Scott Stoddard, “Model #1″

Lee Shamel, “Scepter of the Crystal Flame”

Ted Von Heiland, "Not Your BAE"
Ted Von Heiland, “Not Your BAE”

Tim Martin, "The Guardian"
Tim Martin, “The Guardian”
Tom Taggart, “The Birth of LIE”

Tom Taggart, “The Unchecked Ego”

Jeffrey R. Kibbe, "Mesmorluminous"
Jeffrey R. Kibbe, “Mesmorluminous”
Moses Jaen, "I smile at your happiness"
Moses Jaen, “I smile at your happiness”


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